Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Am The Funniest Person I Know

I decided to start a blog to keep track of a few of my favorite jokes
(all jokes qualify as my favorite jokes) and to
Maybe share a thought or two...or three or four...or thirty seven...with you.

And in all honesty - Everyone in the world has a hidden agenda.
So here are a few of the more realistic reasons for me to blog:

1. I can "talk" and have a whole conversation without anyone telling me that I am interrupting
(BTW: You are interrupting too when you interrupt me to tell me that I am interrupting you)

2. The following only skim the surface of upcoming blogging topics:
Justin Bieber The "Situation" and Snooki Club Hub Jello & Marshmallows Kali and the Dike Mobile
Stay tuned. Or don't. I'll laugh more than you anyways at what I have to say.

3. Two weeks from today will be my first day of my second attempt at college - I'm worried that I don't have enough excuses or distraction in place NOT to do my homework or go to class. Blogging is my backup plan to keep busy for when Facebook stalking gets old.

A daily goal of mine is to entertain myself - And luckily for me, I am a really good time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry peeps, I have the same sequin shirt in white. Express? Good thing peeps still think alike. If you need any good joke ideas let me know, I have some good ones like "get yo ass outta da window."
